2025 New Picotech Laser /Pico Second YAG Laser Machine 1064/532

Power Is In The Pulse
Pico-second laser has an extreme narrow pulse width and ultra high peak power, can be targeted by selective photo-thermal and photo-mechanical action to remove pigment targets, does not harm normal tissue, it is popular in the medical beauty industry recent years.Risu, as the source manufacturer of accessories for laser medical equipment , in order to meet the appli- cation requirements, Risu is now releasing PFxx series ODM suite products, laser pulse width 500ps optional, single pulse energy 500mJ/350mJ@1064nm optional, peak power up to 2GW. A variety of lasers, power supplies, laser arm optional, and can achieve dye wavelength conversion and honeycomb lattice technology, other configurations can be customized.
True Pico utilises Picosecond technology by delivering precise ultra-short laser energy pulses to the targeted areas of the skin containing melanin, such as age spots or tattoos. With extraordinary precision, Its rapid pulses effectively break down pigment particles into extremely fine fragments which are later naturally eliminated by the body.
Despite its highly concentrated energy pulses, True PICO remains gentle on the skin and is suitable for all skin types. The treatment promotes collagen production without raising the temperature of the surrounding skin.
This leads to firmer and tighter skin, helping to reverse the aging process and the restoration of a more youthful appearance