Handheld 808 Laser Hair Removal Machine for Sale
Why choose diode laser?
1,Powered by the same in-office Diode Laser Technology used by dermatologists, diode way is an effective hair removal way.
2 ,Laser devices safely deliver over 3 times more hair-eliminating energy than any IPL or other at-home hair removal devices. Powerful and really effective at-home laser hair removal technology.
3, Unlike shaving and waxing, the laser system offers permanent hair reduction using light energy to disable halr growth. Permanent results with up to 94% hair reduction in just 3-5 treatments.
4 ,Meet our powerful hair removal system for permanent hair reduction that you can achieve in the comfort of our own home.

Hair removal and skin rejuvenation, suitable for all kind skin and hair colors. Unique interactive LED display that guides you through each treatment, safely and effectively.
Hair removal: Powerful home laser hair removal technology.Three energy parameters are provided to meet the requirements of safe and effective hair removal for different populations.
Skin rejuvenation: Treated hair falls out within 7-10days, leaving a new kind of clear, smooth, beautiful skin.No more prickly stubble or black dots.